How insights into user behaviours helps tackle low product adoption


5 weeks


About client

CAFU, mobile car services in the UAE, has deployed car wash services on its app for the convenience of its users. The service was in its early development stage and required more understanding of user behaviour.

Business challenge

Comparative to fuel, CAFU had low adoption of the car wash services, and observed low retention rates amongst first-time users.


Through my research efforts, I successfully identified two primary customer behavioural personas, and conducted a comparative analysis of CAFU's value proposition and the needs of these personas, revealing gaps that could explain the low adoption and retention rates.


Through my research efforts, I successfully identified two primary customer behavioural personas, and conducted a comparative analysis of CAFU's value proposition and the needs of these personas, revealing gaps that could explain the low adoption and retention rates.


✨ Conducted desk research to analyse the competitive landscape and assess the current market players.

✨ Performed Voice of Customer (VOC) analysis by delving into reviews associated with car wash services.

✨ Examined the conversion funnel to identify drop off stages.

✨ Developed a research pan and executed of a series of qualitative studies, including contextual inquiries at petrol stations and stand-alone car washes, followed by focus groups involving both non-CAFU customers and CAFU car wash users (comprising a mix of frequent users and churned users).

✨ Employed thematic analysis for qualitative data interpretation.

✨ Formulated hypotheses based on insights derived from qualitative data.

✨ Initiated a quantitative survey with a sample size of 250 individuals, to validate the hypotheses generated from qualitative studies on a larger scale.

✨ Examined the quantitative data to discern the validation or invalidation of hypotheses. Integrated both qualitative and quantitative data in the creation of behavioural personas.

✨ Reviewed and analysed all gathered data, compiled a presentation deck, and delivered a comprehensive overview of the findings and insights to the client.


💡 Obtain necessary permissions from location management before initiating field research to ensure a smooth process.

💡 Consider recruiting participants for field research to observe them and make inquiries, as well as to observe the environment, instead of interviewing random people, as they might react with concerns.

💡 Exercise caution when committing to deadlines; if uncertainties arise, proactively negotiate, postpone, or communicate potential delays. Delivering quality is more important than meeting a deadline.

💡 Enhance the coherence of reports by improving storytelling, beginning with key insights and then progressing to findings.

💡 During field research, prioritise observation over verbal interaction and avoid immediate interpretation, allowing for a more thorough understanding of the behaviors.




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